International Handbook of Ecopedagogy for Students, Educators and Parents. A Project for a New Eco-Sustainable Civilization
It is our great pleasure to announce the publication of the long-awaited International Handbook of Ecopedagogy. Edited by Stefan K. Grigorov with the special participation of Prof. Dr. Jennifer M. Gidley and Prof. Richard Kahn. And more than 20 other authors! Published by the BCSLDE, Sofia with the cooperation of the Ecoinstitute of Dolomites, Italy
Ecopedagogical stories and proposals from Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Italy and USA offer works from eminent authors in Education, Ecopedagogy, Futures Studies, Sustainability and Environmental Studies, among whom Prof. Moacir Gadotti, Prof. Dr. Jennifer M. Gidley, Prof. Douglas Kellner, Roberto Bombarda, Guilherme Blauth and Patricia Abuhab, Prof. Dora Marinova, Dr. Nadezhda Savova, Peter Buckland and many others.
“Never has the practice of Ecopedagogy been more necessary than it is at this moment in human history. It is precisely this political commitment, as well as a deep respect for the ecology of the Earth, which is found at the heart of the beautiful passages, photographs, and short stories that unfold in the pages of this collection. More importantly, this invaluable resource invites educators and students everywhere to embrace the preciousness of life as a revolutionary imperative of our times.”
- Professor Antonia Darder, Distinguished Professor of Education, University of Illinois,Urbana Champaign; Leavey Endowed Chair of Ethics and Moral Leadership, Loyola Maymount University, Los Angeles, and author of Reinventing Paulo Freire: A Pedagogy of Love
“It’s a book full of hope and opportunity. An essential read for anyone who cares about life. As you read, the book will transform you and in turn you will transform the world.”
- Talia Raphaely, Ph.D. Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute, Australia
This is an internationally proven Ecopedagogic educational game, tested and played by people from different nationalities and cultures.The game provides significant benefits for the cognitive, emotional and social development of children and adults.
In a participatory way, ECG educates:
- The intrinsic values and principles of the Earth Charter for a more just, inclusive and sustainable world;
- The logic of cooperation, interdependence and mutual help over the logic of competitiveness, greed and conflict;
- Searching about the complexity of contemporary society, understanding the interdependence between social problems and environmental ones; between society and Nature;
- Undertaking practical ecological actions and linking solution of problems to everyday life;
- Strengthening the inter-generational dialogue and awaking generational and cross-cultural responsibility.
In order to purchase the game, please contact our partners from Brazil:
Guilherme Blauth
Tel. 55 (11) 7457 8727
Patricia Abuhab
Tel. 55 (11) 7621 9710